Sunday, September 11, 2011

Our Mission

WFCC: making conservation affordable for family farms in East Eden.
Many retiring farmers face financial burdens that force the sale of their land for its valuable development rights because they are ineligible for traditional conservation easement tax deductions. WFCC is a not-for-profit organization that seeks creative ways to pay retiring farmers fair market value for the development rights to their land and holds those rights in the form of a conservation easement in perpetuity. Founded in 2007 as an organization of last resort, WFCC aids landowners in East Eden and Boston, NY who wish to preserve the natural, historic and productive farming value of their lands. WFCC works on project properties that lie within the boundaries of Feddick, East Eden, Haag and Keller Roads.

Since 2007, WFCC has protected 110 acres at the corner of Zenner and Feddick Roads with a conservation easement. WFCC is currently fundraising to add another 80 acres contiguous to this property. We have received a pledge of $10,000 which has been matched.  We need at least 10 more like-minded donors to fund our next project.

A Quote for Conversation
"Every time somebody has thought of relief for the farmer it has been to make it so he could borrow more money. What he needs is some way to pay back. Not some way to borrow more."  Will Rogers (about the 1928 version of the Farm Bill)

You Can Make a Tax-Deductible Donation
Please send us an email with your pledge and, when we have accummulated enough pledges to proceed with our project, we will contact you to organize payment.

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